TimeStampR Roadmap

Major enhancements and new feature have been in the works before we even rolled out the first version to you. This is our Product Roadmap as of today, but it will ebb & flow as we get requests and suggestions from our users.

While we have many, many ideas on where we want to take TimeStampR, we will implement features and sprinkle throughout it your requests, critiques, and suggestions as well.

Version 1.2 New Features & Enhancements


Significant speed enhancements to make Events pop faster

Version 2.0 New Features & Enhancements

Pretty View

An artistic, stylish View for your Events

Doc View

Shows documents & links attached to Events in a grid format

Media View

Shows photos & videos attached to Events in a grid format

Table View

Shows Events in a spreadsheet & table format

2FA Security

2-Factor Authentication for better security

Template Search

Search within Templates

Note Formatting

Notes with different fonts and text styles

Camera Button

Take photos directly in-app

Media Swipe

Swipe thru all media in Events

Recycle Bin

Undelete Events you have recently deleted

Wizard Mode

Wizard assistance when creating Events